Thursday, August 31, 2006

: theatrical piece; acting

Have you ever been speaking to somebody and thought to yourself that I’m sure I heard that on Eastender's last night (or whatever your favorite evening time soap drama is?)
I have come to the conclusion in recent conversation that the way a man can watch a programme, see a man who is successful with the ladies and try and impersonate the moves and lingo, E.G. The Power Tony Montana Of Scarface, The Sophistication of Maverick from Top Gun, the humour of Pee-wee Herman in Pee-wee's Big Adventure. Okay maybe not so much the last one but I think we all know what I am talking about.

I say this because after speaking to girls somewhat calmly things that could be classed as drama’s have arisen over minute details and after further probing the female of the conversation they have not been able to give a legitimate reason for the sparks, I think that we as humans have started to let visual representations of love in programs dictate our social interactions in the real world. Now this point I make will be controversial.

Women love drama because they want men to solve them.

I believe that we as humans are social chameleons adapting ourselves to suit a situation based on how we think should be the way. I have noticed that slang is a way of ingratiating yourself onto others. For example, I was eavesdropping whilst queuing at the post office and one girl (we'll call her Marge) said to another (we'll call her Beth)
Marge-"Are we going to carnival right? Or do you have to ask your mum first?"
Beth-Nah man, I'm straight up shower
(let it be known that at this moment I had to disguise a snigger as a cough drawing unnecessary attention to myself. need a definition right here:

Originates from a gang in Jamaica called the shower posse, infamous for their merciless violence, used now as a word to mean anything from gangster to good to cold or poker-faced
E.g. "Seen mans over there in that Lexus in Ballys, that’s shower”, or, heard this new Skepta beat blad its shower, or, "yeah blad mans shower, he stabbed up Carl in broad daylight barefaced"

I believe that on this way that people use grammar, albeit correctly or incorrectly it is done with the purpose of fitting in. That being said there is a level of uncompromising nonchalance that we should aspire to. The ability to speak 100% freely and not being controlled by social doctrines and not being held back by social etiquettes.

This is the first step I took to finding out that I truly was. Try it. Try and go a whole day without saying something just to be polite or because you think should.

Merci vraiment


Do girl ever succeed as players?/ Sugarlounge the Revolution

I want to know, why do some girls think that they can be players in the dating stage? Ok, guys, imagine a girl is seeing you, and she is seeing other guys too. Im not talking about ordinary seeing, i mean you and her have a serious bond, but imagine before you came along she had already built serious bonds/friendships with let's say two other guys....thats some deep shit right? Now, you start talking to her and get really close and for most of your time you've been with her she's always told you that her relationship with these guys are just deep friendship because they know her completely. Now, you both start playing games with eachother, then try and show feelings, then switch back to game playing, it's going to fall back on you right. Now guys, i know your probably saying to yourself "i will never take that from her, is she dumb trying to play me?". Think deeply about it for a minute or two...........tick....tock.....tick....tock

(2 mins later)

Ok, it's naturals that fellas will tend to think like that, but think about it, if you are both seeing people and playing games with eachothers emotions then you are both in the wrong right, she tried to take you for a mug same way that you tried to take her for an idiot right? ....But really and truly she should have showed you that she was attatched to other guys before all of the problems and game playing started right guys....? think of it like she thought she just keep everything in the mist and not make things clear, like she thought everything will just spring out in the open just like that, some might call it leading you on, girls might say it something else. Thats not my point.

My point is....? girls ok, its fair enough that you might want to get your own back on guys and play games back. But understand, the male and female mind and two TOTALLY different things. Males have only logic. Females on the other hand have two sides of their brain. Both emotional and logic. E.g girls, your logic tells you that you dont like that guy that approached you the other day because he isn't your 'type', but your emotions tell you that you are attracted to him no matter what your logic tells you, your emotion has no say, it doesnt let you take control, why do you think that breakups affect you so much, becasue you have made an emotional investment into the relationship. Guys naturally think with logic, now playin games is just a matter of rational thinking in various situations and working out outcomes of those situations. I personally believe that 'game' is not designed for the female mind, the female mind is too complex, which is why girls may get frustrated after a period of time after so much mind games in a relationship. My idea is, girls, dont ever try and juggle between more than one guy at a time because it will not succeed at all, a female mind is too much for even one let alone 3/4. Now some of you girls may even be wondering, what kind of girl will be juggling 3 guys? Believe me it happens, just be real with one guy because i dont think you understand how much the game play doesn't affect guys at all(80% of them), dont you understand? But i guess the whole relationship thing is not something that it worth discussing, because there are so many different views, the subject is so broad and wide. All we can do, is experience these things and learn from them i guess. From now posts will be about my experiences my life, true stories, my views, my world.
Sugarlounge is the Revolution, the place where things that you never thought would happen, actually happens, dreams will turn to reality, believe me people.
Sugarlounge is not just a blog, it's a movement.
This post is dedicated to all of the female players and that dude in the coffee shop that told me about his situation which actually caused me to write such a post. Not forgetting Rafael, Metro, all of the women in my past and even present, and Kelly for starting something that will be classed as history in years to come, the journey begins.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

::Soul of the Warrior:: Part I


The warriors state of mind, it's final. A warrior has no fear, he's always sharp in what he does, his articulate flair and aura is so seductive yet fierce. The warriors state of mind can never be figured out my the average human being. The warrior has the "non-stop" mentality, the type of menality that allows him to complete a mission to perfection, he will not stop until he has completed that mission, then he will not waste time to move on to his next mission. Some say that the warrior has no emtions or feelings for anyone or anything which is why they are so ruthless with their victims/targets. Think about it?.Now.....this Warriors mind state can be applied to many situations, but it is not something for the narrow-minded. Expand your mental boundaries by creating realities that will allow you to achieve ANYTHING that you set out to do!
To be Continued.....

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that wont work-Thomas Edison (11/2/1847 - 18/10/1931)

One factor that makes us human is that our rationale can stunt our growth. Whereas in the animal kingdom, it is based on primal instinct. I started my lovelife young, I was that guy with the older brother, who had the reputation, the name... and therefore was obliged by society to live up the glory that had been pre-destined for him. I never complained, because along the way it had it's perks, the girls who I now realised were attracted to what can only be entitled the "power of the famous name". For When people heard the name; it had recognition, it produced local heraldry and I was to find out, misery also. For what happenes when you accomplish every adolescent fantasy that can be legitimately achieved within the cordons of the extreme? I have always been too big for my boots, I hit puberty before all my friends, I have matured somewhat too fast I think, ( I was tall for my age, but everyones seems to have caught up ) I have been blessed to be naturally gifted in many area's of my life, academically, physically, and socially. I am what I call a coaster... The guy who does just enough, but could do more... Should do more. What happens when your natural aptitude for learning no longer brings you adequate fulfillment. I found fulfillment in area's of my life that looking back I do not regret, but wish there had been an easier way. For those experiences make Metrosexuality who is he today. And whom so ever looks back on the past in dispair at what can not be changed is a person who I believe will not reach their full potential. It is always a shame when talent goes to waste. I take inspiration as a graphic advertising designer myself, I pay homage to scientists who were at the forefront not only of design of the modern era, but also inspitationally original. The concept behind design is to make life easier, more accessible and look better. The lightbulb hasn't changed very much in over 120 years and neither have women. My point being that one factor that makes us human is that our rationale can stunt our growth. Whereas in the animal kingdom, it is. They look better, smell better, but essentially, emotionally they are the same. It's a shame they don't dress better though. Let's be original thinkers and push civilazation that step further.


Thursday, August 17, 2006

LOVE IS CHAOS by raheem

Raf touched on a topic about a very interetsing subject a couple of months back, ive been thinking about it recently in a whole new perspective, i am going to explain it to you briefly i just have to get it out...


The flapping of a single butterfly's wing today produces a tiny change in the state of the atmosphere. Over a period of time, what the atmosphere actually does diverges from what it would have done. So, in a month's time, a tornado that would have devastated the Indonesian coast doesn't happen. Or maybe one that wasn't going to happen, does. (Ian Stewart, Does God Play Dice? The Mathematics of Chaos, pg. 141)

It's basically saying that little things we do will inevitgably have a big effect on our future. Sounds a bit obvious doesn't it? ....For the past couple of days i've been in a very deep state of mind, why? i dont know but i know it's all leading to something. Now your probably wondering why i touched on the whole 'butterfly effect/chaos theory' concept...


BLUE PHASE........ (stage 1)
It all starts with the gentle flapping of the butterfly wings in your solar plexus(tummy), you recongnise that person and you actually start to admit to yourself that you are attracted to that person. Everytime you see them, the butterflies flap, even when you see their friends the butterflies flap again becuase you wonder if he/she is around the area...because you noticed the friend....this is the blue phase....

ORANGE PHASE....(stage 2)
...As time goes by the gentle feelings of the butterfly turn into real this stage, you can still get them out of your mind if you want(temporarily)...but the thoughts come the orange gets deeper, the feelings get even more stronger. You may find yourself losing your appetite when you are trying to eat because this person is in your head so much you try to eat but the butterflies turn to whirlwinds and tornados in your tummy.....everytime you hear certain songs....thoughts of them are anchored to that particular song and everytime you hear it it makes you feel a certain way....hmmmm.....At the end of the orage phase you go into the point of no return..

RED PHASE....(stage 3)
By this time, others might think you have lost the plot, this is the stage where your actions are very unpredictable and you no longer think with the logical side of your mind but the emotional side(concerning whoever you are attracted to). It is hard to think how those innocent, gentle butterfly thoughts can be the cause of the windstorms and earthqukes of dreams and emotions rushing through your mind in this red phase. For some women, this stage is very rear, maybe because they know how they will feel and how vulnerable their minds become when in this phase.

You see the pattern? I was on the phone to one of ma female friends the other day and explained this pattern to her, she was amazed. The funny thing was that i thought to myself that within the last three months, everygirl that i have ever met or spoken to 'LIKE THAT' have reached the red phase or they are still in the orange phase and will end up in the final phase sooner or later, now, my intentions are not bad at all, like i said, i just 'talk'. We continued our conversation. "Raheem, be careful, what are you going to do when all of these girls that you are talking to fall in love with you? because some of them already are. What ae you going to do" she said.
"I guess i'll cross that bridge when i get there terri" i replied.

I'm getting to the peak age of my life now, 19, and starting to discover so many things and human interaction and why things are they way they are LONNGG before my time. Am i growing up too fast? i think not, it's just Raheem. It's only the begginning, i can feel it, so many interesting things and people are going to come my will be lucky to enter Raheem's world......getting wider and more surreal everyday.....

..2 b continued....
