Definition: theatrical piece; acting
Have you ever been speaking to somebody and thought to yourself that I’m sure I heard that on Eastender's last night (or whatever your favorite evening time soap drama is?)
I have come to the conclusion in recent conversation that the way a man can watch a programme, see a man who is successful with the ladies and try and impersonate the moves and lingo, E.G. The Power Tony Montana Of Scarface, The Sophistication of Maverick from Top Gun, the humour of Pee-wee Herman in Pee-wee's Big Adventure. Okay maybe not so much the last one but I think we all know what I am talking about.
I say this because after speaking to girls somewhat calmly things that could be classed as drama’s have arisen over minute details and after further probing the female of the conversation they have not been able to give a legitimate reason for the sparks, I think that we as humans have started to let visual representations of love in programs dictate our social interactions in the real world. Now this point I make will be controversial.
Women love drama because they want men to solve them.
I believe that we as humans are social chameleons adapting ourselves to suit a situation based on how we think should be the way. I have noticed that slang is a way of ingratiating yourself onto others. For example, I was eavesdropping whilst queuing at the post office and one girl (we'll call her Marge) said to another (we'll call her Beth)
Marge-"Are we going to carnival right? Or do you have to ask your mum first?"
Beth-Nah man, I'm straight up shower
(let it be known that at this moment I had to disguise a snigger as a cough drawing unnecessary attention to myself. need a definition right here:
Originates from a gang in Jamaica called the shower posse, infamous for their merciless violence, used now as a word to mean anything from gangster to good to cold or poker-faced
E.g. "Seen mans over there in that Lexus in Ballys, that’s shower”, or, heard this new Skepta beat blad its shower, or, "yeah blad mans shower, he stabbed up Carl in broad daylight barefaced"
I believe that on this way that people use grammar, albeit correctly or incorrectly it is done with the purpose of fitting in. That being said there is a level of uncompromising nonchalance that we should aspire to. The ability to speak 100% freely and not being controlled by social doctrines and not being held back by social etiquettes.
This is the first step I took to finding out that I truly was. Try it. Try and go a whole day without saying something just to be polite or because you think should.
Merci vraiment
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