LOVE IS CHAOS by raheem

Raf touched on a topic about a very interetsing subject a couple of months back, ive been thinking about it recently in a whole new perspective, i am going to explain it to you briefly i just have to get it out...
The flapping of a single butterfly's wing today produces a tiny change in the state of the atmosphere. Over a period of time, what the atmosphere actually does diverges from what it would have done. So, in a month's time, a tornado that would have devastated the Indonesian coast doesn't happen. Or maybe one that wasn't going to happen, does. (Ian Stewart, Does God Play Dice? The Mathematics of Chaos, pg. 141)
It's basically saying that little things we do will inevitgably have a big effect on our future. Sounds a bit obvious doesn't it? ....For the past couple of days i've been in a very deep state of mind, why? i dont know but i know it's all leading to something. Now your probably wondering why i touched on the whole 'butterfly effect/chaos theory' concept...
BLUE PHASE........ (stage 1)
It all starts with the gentle flapping of the butterfly wings in your solar plexus(tummy), you recongnise that person and you actually start to admit to yourself that you are attracted to that person. Everytime you see them, the butterflies flap, even when you see their friends the butterflies flap again becuase you wonder if he/she is around the area...because you noticed the friend....this is the blue phase....
ORANGE PHASE....(stage 2)
...As time goes by the gentle feelings of the butterfly turn into real this stage, you can still get them out of your mind if you want(temporarily)...but the thoughts come the orange gets deeper, the feelings get even more stronger. You may find yourself losing your appetite when you are trying to eat because this person is in your head so much you try to eat but the butterflies turn to whirlwinds and tornados in your tummy.....everytime you hear certain songs....thoughts of them are anchored to that particular song and everytime you hear it it makes you feel a certain way....hmmmm.....At the end of the orage phase you go into the point of no return..
RED PHASE....(stage 3)
By this time, others might think you have lost the plot, this is the stage where your actions are very unpredictable and you no longer think with the logical side of your mind but the emotional side(concerning whoever you are attracted to). It is hard to think how those innocent, gentle butterfly thoughts can be the cause of the windstorms and earthqukes of dreams and emotions rushing through your mind in this red phase. For some women, this stage is very rear, maybe because they know how they will feel and how vulnerable their minds become when in this phase.
You see the pattern? I was on the phone to one of ma female friends the other day and explained this pattern to her, she was amazed. The funny thing was that i thought to myself that within the last three months, everygirl that i have ever met or spoken to 'LIKE THAT' have reached the red phase or they are still in the orange phase and will end up in the final phase sooner or later, now, my intentions are not bad at all, like i said, i just 'talk'. We continued our conversation. "Raheem, be careful, what are you going to do when all of these girls that you are talking to fall in love with you? because some of them already are. What ae you going to do" she said.
"I guess i'll cross that bridge when i get there terri" i replied.
I'm getting to the peak age of my life now, 19, and starting to discover so many things and human interaction and why things are they way they are LONNGG before my time. Am i growing up too fast? i think not, it's just Raheem. It's only the begginning, i can feel it, so many interesting things and people are going to come my will be lucky to enter Raheem's world......getting wider and more surreal everyday.....
..2 b continued....
Boi, u really are the definition of young n naive, but in a gud way. I neva really read ur posts cos I was always lukin out 4 kelly's stuff,but this one is mindblowing. As u grow and mature at uni, make sure u keep ur mind focused is all I can say.
I see what you are saying, but if these small thing affect your future how much cintrol do we truly have over our own lives?
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