Thursday, December 15, 2005


OK, iv'e now reached that standstill in my life. You know the time when you stop to think about what is really going on in your life.. the past, present and what is in store for the future? I woke up ealry this morning, like 4:00am and had the weirdest feeling, like the world just paused for a minute....everything was silent. I was in my room, it was dark and i sat up on my bed as if i were a zombie or something...I stayed sat up for a while with my back against the wall...i had like a million thoughts rushing through my head, the funny thing is that i didn't know what the heck i was thinking about and why i got up so early. For once i felt SOLO. That's what i call it, SOLO. For a long time the only thoughts that would ran through my mind were about other things and other people. It was like my life was like a merry-go-round and there wasn't one standstill throughout the ride...I never stopped to think about ME! All i was concerned about was my surroundings.
You remember Rafael's concept about EVOLUTION and adapting to the your surroundings in relation to the way you are? and Kelly's concept about having a USP(Unique Selling Point)? well ..lets just say for the past couple of months it felt like i was trying to adapt to my surrounds with no clear idea of what my USP actually was....It's like trying to start a business with no Business Plan, you must know what diffenciates your company product/service from the 'market' right? And when you know this, and have a sound plan, you will be able to use your USP to your own advantage. In my situation i'd like to describe it as the 'blind man walking'...It basically means you don't know where your going(simple right), the thing is, you may have the knowledge but you might not know how to apply it properly to relevant situations. Now, in terms of GAME THEORY,you may know all the knowledge but you may not know how to adapt it properly in your situation. You see, people never stop to think, what they're strenghts and weaknesses are. In the business world, they call it SWOT ANALYSIS. S=Strenghts W=Weaknesses O=Opportunities T=Threats
. Im your you can put the pieces of the puzzles together with this little strategy. What my problem was, is that i failed to think about my SWOT in terms my my involvment in the 'Dating Market'. I could clearly see my threats and opportunities and threats beacuse these are what we describe as EXTERNAL FACTORS becuase they are nothing to do with you, but your surroundings. I could see my opportunites, e.g single women, break-ups, etc. and threats e.g ghosts in the 'palace' but i failed to look deep into my self and identify my strenghts and weaknesses which are the INTERNAL FACTORS....This was what this morning was all about....the stand still. I took time out for once in my life and sat to think about 'wagwan' with Raheem's life, i had to wake up my inner man, i have been living to outwards, that meaning THE FLESH, it's time to get deeper, start seeing things differently, start being the real Raheem. This is only the beggining....

My friend's are having this get together today, everyone is going to be there, it's sort of like a social gathering when everyone is going to get to catch-up before w
you'll meet the boys too..e all go on our end-of-term vacations. I told the boys i'd meet up with them before we go.
5:00am and im still up, i cant sleep anymore...i'd just have to stay up and wait for day to break!



Anonymous Anonymous said...


Rafael Ariyo

7:09 pm  

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