Saturday, December 03, 2005

The dating market

Did it ever occur to you that the dating scene is like a market? It actually obeys the law of economics!!! YOu know the whole law of supply and demand! Did it ever occur to you that the price of a commodity increases with it's demand? If demand is high... so is the price... that sounds pretty much like the dating scene... if the demand for a woman begins to increase... the more difficult she reckons she should be and then the harder it is to make her yours! That's fine by me but the what we guys need to be aware of is the fact that when the demand for a product increases, it's very likely to become overvalued! That's what makes me unhappy!I wouldnt have put my money on it how hot Karen was on the "dating market"... you know you see some girls and you can tell she's got lots of men on her and you just dont bother... but Karen was different... I never thought she was the hottest thing on the market so at first my bid was weak... because I thought she wasnt worth much on the like me doesnt pay a penny over the recommended retail price. At the end of the day I ended up topping my bid by the minute... It didnt seem to be enough... but right now I've taken the backseat... I know she'll be mine on day... I can feel it... Remember what I said about markets? The price fluctuates... it goes up... it goes down... it comes out of the blue and blows up... There's this girl I see almost every day near where I live. She works in a high street store... The first time I saw her... it was from behind... The whole..."Who's that chic...?" and when you walk up to have a look at her face. you are disappointed. But the weird thing is the more I saw her the more I wanted to talk to her... the more I wanted to say hi... we shared so many eye contacts... she knows I make a conscious effort to look at here through her shop windows... but she really isnt nice... now what has that got to do with markets??? demand and supply... she's like the only "relatively" ok looking girl that works where I live... you see it? supply is low therefore demand goes up... that's not a good market... a perfect market is one where there is an equal number of buyers and sellers... that's when you pay the right and fair price for a commodity... therefore if you wanna get the right girl at the right "price"... you are a long way from that... the dating market is so unstable... so you are hardly going to get one at the right price... and it's never going to be stable... but then its unstability makes it more exciting...!!! Without it's instability what will our love lives be like... no twists like two girlfriends fighting over the same guy... a guy secretly seeing his girlfriend's friend... or cheating...??? so who cares about paying the right price if it offers so much fun anyway...!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

women help me out here. I would have thought the whole destiny's child "Soldier" thing was for little 15/16 year olds running about saying "I need a soldier... a man who's street". I was amazed when I was chatting to this 25 year old lady... (she's was a 7/10)... This is me chatting to her and she's telling me her man is a SOLDIER... I'm like hmm... fair enough, I'm a SOLDIER as well (who knows what a soldier is anyway????). She glanced me down... okay I was wearing a fitted shirt (okay maybe it was pink)... boot cut jeans and pointy shoes and a shoulder bag... she's like "I mean he's street, just the way I like it"... I'm like I'm street too... (who knows what that means??? if it means being street wise... yeah I know what's going on)... she's like naa... THOSE SHOES DEFINITELY AINT STREET... AND THAT MAN'S BAG YOU CARRYING... AINT STREET..." This was like 11pm outside a West End Bar and I glanced around looking for a man with a shoulder bag and didnt find one... (I'm sure there was one!)...

Can anyone tell me what being a soldier is and what is street??? Cause I would like to think I'm a soldier and knows what's "Gwan" (you see it?) on the street... but oh no cuz i dress modern (GQ as some will call it) rather than "urban" (who knows what that is???)... I'm neither a soldier nor street!

12:24 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Basically you need to carry "big things" if you know what I mean

6:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if most women these days are lookin a a 'street' guy, basically a guy who don't comb his hair, dont own a pair of shoes, don't own a belt, stinks of weed, thinks he's a 'thug' coz he aint got no education...(etc)then, i'm not certainly not most women...

11:27 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep I agree I would prefer the guy who described himself!

11:36 am  

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