Thursday, May 05, 2005

Having trouble saying "I Like You"?

The thought of telling a girl you like her and would want her to be your girlfriend seems like a daunting idea for a lot of guys… trust me… you may say Kelly’s approach is long, because it’s centered around making the girl admit to liking you first before going in for the kill.. okay the thing is I’ve been there before… you are scared of rejection… why should rejection be a bad thing, you should learn from rejection and also note that even though most of the times when girls say no, they mean NO! BUT sometimes they might be saying, “I’m not ready” or “You need to work a bit harder”! Some guys might be quick to say, “That’s easy, I’ll just drop it like its hot” yeah yeah, its easy to drop it like its hot if the girl is just any random girl and you feel she should be having it… so you just drop it… that’s why most guys aren’t going out with the girl DEEP DOWN INSIDE THEY’LL LOVE TO BE WITH… they settle for the easy “ALRIGHT” option

Okay lets get down to it… telling a woman you like her is something I don’t really encourage… if you would like a woman to know you like is, the best way is for you to make her figure it out! I.e. by you getting physically involved… doesn’t mean KISSING AND TOUCHING EACH OTHER UP… it could be simple tactile and affectionate gestures like holding hands and the Kelly “finger-talking”. And don’t you like it when a girl’s girlfriend asks her “Does he like you?” and then she smiles and says… “I don’t know, I think he does” That’s what I call magic! Look at it this way, telling her that you like her KILLS ALL THE SEXUAL AND EMOTIONAL TENSION YOU COULD EVER HAVE BETWEEN YOU!!!! It destroys the suspense and kills the crescendo!!! It kills the chemistry… imagine holding the girl and looking into her eyes, if she already knows you like her, she knows what you are thinking so she cant make up her decision whether to kiss you or not even before you try!!! But if she doesn’t know… it might catch her unawares and even if she didn’t plan on doing it she might end up doing it and if you have good kissing techniques, you might be at it for quite a while!

If you are dealing with a girl who hasn’t got “experience” when it comes to relationships and dating, then you might wanna ease up on the “game” because she might misinterpret your cockiness and comedy for “piss take” which you really don’t want…

Okay for women who “get it” and her more experienced, telling her how you feel and all that sloppy sentimental malarkey changes the rules of the situation… when you tell such a woman that “I like you”, she aint hearing “I’m feeling you” like most boys think the girl is thinking… she is thinking “Oh my days, this boy is confessing he likes me, which gives me all the power in the situation, and really for some weird reason, I don’t quite like him as I did…” This is because you’ve made yourself weak and vulnerable… have you ever being in a situation, when some girl was so much into you and you played her and then you come out telling her how much you like her and doing all the sweet things you never do… you are only giving her the power and she wont be coming back to you anytime soon!!!! The best way to tell a woman you like her is by SHOWING IT!!! Not saying it…. Do something don’t say something…. It’s been said that 80% of communication is done via out body language… so show her what your body is saying not what you are saying!!! Only use words if you actions can’t perform better… (in that case, you suck trust me!). Actions create “moments”, words kill “moments”… you know when tow people are looking into each others eyes and they aren’t saying a word to each other, but yet, they both know what each other is saying…THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT… it reminds me of when I was dancing with Marie at the party and I was saying some malarkey about how good she smells and some crap and she said “Don’t say anything” It’s because I was killing the moment with words… moments are suppose to be savoured in silence!!!! If the girl is someone you meet up with or maybe she asks you out to cinema or wherever…. I know you get the feeling… oh my days this is my chance... I have to go; I can’t let her down… LET HER DOWN!!! It only heightens the attraction…



Anonymous Anonymous said...

finally some more advice!

9:06 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ders this girl im feeling like crazy. she's so different from many girls i usually c. i c wat u saying kelly, but wat if i dont have a chance, to hold her hand or do all the other fancy things u talking about?

can anyone help? i wanna let this girl know what im saying without looking like a "dud" like kelly would say

9:43 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm not feeling this whole bait and switch...get me hooked on the blog then make me buy the book thing....i suggest if you want me to purchase the book you keep up with the blog....your adventures are delicious! where's my fork?

5:34 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the book is free, all you have 2 do is register at the email given

11:35 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just did so... :(

Meaning I just told her so.

And maybe I will get what u say... meaning nil, but...

I know there's a remedy for every bad move & also letting someone know how u feel isn't always at your disadvantage.

We 'll see what happens

12:13 am  

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