On a New Level

Casey Summer Diaries...
"Say... ...Baby, are you cold my lady, it's 'bout 80 degrees and my ac's acting shady, why you got all them clothes, covering up your body, you can loose them trust me, you'll still be a super honey....."
The Sounds Of Dwele 'My Lova' OOoozed Through speakers on my bedroom sound system at 1am
The past few weeks have been very 'chilled' and laid back. Most of my life now revolves around work and a bit of my social life. I'm only 19 and i am starting to learn so many things about relationships and life that most men may not understand until they are actually married. (ha) Been speaking to some of my boys back home (i'm currently at university) and they been telling me so many stories and their exciting experiences and encounters with the City Of London. Ever since, they've all been anticipating my arrival to the capital, and i, myself cannot wait to see all of the faces that i have'nt seen in such a LONG time.
Meanwhile....i lay here with Savanah. Her hair so long(and real), her soft skin brown like caramel touched and looked so sexy with my dark brown chocolate toned complexion, her lips so soft and pronounced you could just kiss them all night...her body so petite like a coca cola bottle We lay together, i was behind her and she was in front, our bodies curved....It was Kodak moment i ain't gon' front. It was last night, about 1am. We was up all night doing our usual, talking and conversating. Savanah was different from every other girl that has ever entered my life, she was the only girl in which i created a bond and connection with before getting onto the 'physical' thang', which is why we so close....there are few women in my life that can even come close to the connection me and her have. Before we got talking she had so many barriers up, but they obviously had to broken and the mutual trust had be made between us, which now is pretty stable. She has a lot of guys who are attracted to her in every single way possible, which is KINDA good for me, because if i am seeing her, a guy's ego is boosted even further when he knows that he's girl is admired or should i say in high demand in the 'dating market' as kelly would say. But i've passed that stage, i actually appreciate her and she does me.
All sounds too good to be true?....OK i know y'all thinking "Ok Casey, where's the catch". Right, in wouldn't exactly say it's a catch but its awkward. This is where Raheem's and Kelly's theory of the Gate, Garden and Palace comes into the situation...see? good theories are useful when needed. Right, i am NO DOUBT in Savanah's Palace, which according to the theory is the special place in the womans heart, where you are probably the only person or one of the few inside(max people in the Palace i believe can be two)...Now, if i'm in her Palace, who does that leave in the Palace....The Ghost?(ex-lovers)....
Now i wouldn't exactly call John a FULL GHOST, i'd call him a Dweller..This is because he was in her life before i came in, John and Savanah were talking and were already close before i came in..Now, John is one of my boys, but the funny thing his, he always denied it that him and Savanah were a 'thing' everytime i asked him. I being the cool guy that i am, left them alone to BE, even if John was being indenial. Weeks passed and me and her got closer, then it eventually got to a stage where i didn't care anymore if them two had anythng going on, because even Savanah admitted that they were just "very close friends", even though she's at his place alot etc, which is really nothing. Now me and her are at a stage where we both know where we are in terms of feelings, so it's casual if u know what i mean. Now....John hasn't left the Palace, he is still there which must mean that they are real close....sometimes i ask myself, how the heck i got myself in such a situation, and i still can't even answer that question....It's going to be an interesting too see where this goes with me and Savanah because our bond is so strong yet unpredictable. All of those 'waste' ladies have been forgotten and wiped out of my life, it's time to experience the things i had been waiting for my whole life, as i draw nearer to the real start of my LoveLife, i pray for the strength to become the best man i can be to all of the wonderful women i am going to meet.
QUOTE OF THE SEASON: "I come to you with only words of passion, looks and money i have none, but should u desire it, my words will bear me out!"
Casey x
"We have to be SICK GUYS"
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