Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Feb 1, 2005

Being used or not being used?

Why do women feel they are always the one being used when there is a dealing between a man and a woman? Why can't there be no strings attached dealings. On numerous occasions, I've had girls call up my phone, saying they wanna meet up, and I know we aint meeting up to talk about the cute little shoes she just bought at her favourite high street store... how come I never said "I dont like being used?", so how come women have to say stuff like "I have to be in a loving relationship before you can have some milkshake.." it's a good thing... I share the same views (hmmm... shared), ever since Sex and the City came onto our TV screens, so why can't women be fun loving and pleasure seeking creatures like men are said to be? Why should women be conformed to the social norm of 1 GUY + 10 GIRLS = STUD and 1 GIRL + 10 MEN = SLAG?
I'll prefer to be upfront with a woman and tell her I really like her, like to get to know her and obviously like to KISS HER (because that's why I started speaking to her in the first place... come on lets be honest, I didn't get your number because I wanted to be your friend... yes I wanna be your friend and more!), AND I dont wanna be your boyfriend, to save you the heartache of breaking your heart when I tell you a month after than "Being in a relationship is not what I want right now"... The reason why many women are left scorned (men as well) is people aren't honest about their intentions before they jump into relationships!
Think about it, if I have been talking to a girl for some weeks all cuddled up under my duvet, listening to Jodeci's "Can I talk to you", gone out a couple of times (PAID FOR BY ME!) and when I try to make a move... the girl tells me... "I'll like to be in a relationship before I get intimate with any guy" or something so cliche like "I'll prefer us being friends" or "I like you as a friend"...I should feel used because I'd put something into IT (money, effort, maybe some emotions???)... men could also be used as well....!!!! Therefore I urge everyone!!! BE HONEST.... about your feelings and intentions before even proceeding to asking her on a date and ladies, be honest... if you dont fancy him, TELL HIM BEFORE THE FIRST DATE!!! (more like during the first phone call, saves him the time and money, making subsequent calls)

Lisa couldn't believe I told her she couldn't move in with me, she said "She's starting to question our relationship" (I'm sorry I'm just trying to honest...). Think about it, I reckon I'll be dumping her soon, so whats the point of her moving in... that'll just make it harder for her... to move back out? I'm just trying to be honest... and that silly little girl called Amy still aint called or sent me some cute text or nothing! Doesn't matter, she will one day...(I hope)

Come to think about it, its Valentine's Day in barely two weeks time, hmm... what plans have I got? probably send a bouquet of flowers (dozen on red roses or lillies... Lisa loves lillies) to her work place, women love it, something to brag to their girlfriends about... then probably go to dinner after work... while I'm thinking about Amy, her long shiny black hair (THANK GOD IT'S NOT A WEAVE!) , soft wet lips (thanks to lip gloss) and those sultry eyes whose never ending words are 'Come get me tiger...meeoowww' .... (she best call me soon... so I can 'honest' with her... maybe she hasn't called because she's got a boyfriend.... and why I'm I getting paranoid!!!????)

I just had to put this funny line a friend dropped during a conversation at work... (at lunch)... its along the sides of cheating.... He said if a woman cheats on her husband, she deserves death (ok.... that's extreme, no one deserves death... I think he's a lunatic), if she kisses another guy passionately, her tongue deserves to be chopped off (OK WE'VE ESTABLISHED HE'S SAD), so I said what if she faked an orgasm?

He said... in that case.... "The man deserves death"

Thats classic!

Playing five-a-side football with the boys at work later today, that should be fun (and some exercise).


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