Friday, January 28, 2005

Jan 28, 2005

Like every usual day, I was on my way to work, walking down Hammersmith Road, when I saw this nice shapely figure walking a few steps ahead of me, "Damn" I said to myself, trying to catch up to this figure nevertheless enjoying the lovely sights. She resembled some girl I knew sometime ago and been trying to get hold of her, but as I drew closer, I knew it wasnt her because this girl's backside was like Wo! (you know, like Black Rob's Wo). I walked faster to catch up with her and if push came to shove, I'll stop her in her tracks and say a lil' something. To make matters worse, she had a small hooded jacket on and walked so gracefully, you could almost put you money on it that she was a CHOOONNG gal. Lucky for me I never did, this girl was bleek and butters! her face needed some sandpapering bwoy! I carried on walking regaining me pose after the big let down. I'm used to it now. A word of advice to all you girls who aint all that (to be polite), PLEASE dont be wearing some tight fitting jeans especially if you've got a nice backside, just to save us the exercise of walking a little bit faster (even though some of us need it, I aint been to the gym for some time now).
Yesterday's meeting with Louise was alrite, she dropped the "where is this going?" talk on me, thanks to my wit and charm, I wiggled my way out of it! Meeting her again tomorrow, her girlfriend is getting married, and she wants me to escort her (boy I'm I crazy or what?...I've got a girlfriend.. I've got an excuse anyway... she's just a friend). I didnt get none last night, not with her bringing that topic up, such a mojo killer!
Lisa phoned me yesterday as well, I swear that girl knows I'm up to something. This is how the conversation went. "Hey babe, what did you do today, what time did you get in?" Me: "Nuffin much, same ol', same ol' and if you have to know, I just got in" (time was 11pm) "How come, where did you go?" I could have lied to her, but you know what I was going to kill her with her own poison. Me: "Out with a friend" (I was at Bar One with Louise and come on anyone could have seen me and conveyed the message to her, so there was no point lying) "Male or female?" I couldnt believe she was asking me this, she's reeking of insecurity! Me: "Female" (came out easier than I thought. "I didnt know we were allowed to see other people" Me: "Get off me Lisa, she's only a friend... you know you are the most charming girl in my life right now" (Kinda true... she was pretty and charming, but that's subject to change) "Whatever babe, just wanted to hear your sexy voice over the phone before I went to bed" Me: "Seen, now that you've got your mission accomplished, can you let prince charming go to bed because he's so knackered and he's got work tomorrow" I really DID wanna get off the phone "Dont know why you work at Beauty products company anyway, wish you worked where I could get some discount black beauty products".... Me: "It pays the bill, whatever, and I get to work with a lot of pretty women too, what more could I ask for" After coming out of university studying computer science, with barely any girl on my course, talk more of decent girls, starting work at a beauty products company was like a teenage kid being unleashed into babe heaven! and boy was I wrong thinking the conversation would end soon... lasted for another one hour thirty minutes of worthless chat! I need to get out of this pretty fast, but I need to meet someone better (not Louise), someone way better than Lisa... then I'll leave her. Guys, never break up with a girl unless you've got a getaway babe waiting outside for you... its like moving out of your house without having a next house to go to, and thats how it is... we men, live in women's hearts...


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